Marx Brothers and all these different groups that you could really enjoy yourself. 还放《马克思兄弟的故事》和其他一些类似的电影。能看看这些电影大家已经很满足了。
However, if the original list of Marx Brothers is sorted first ( reordering all occurrences of a name into a continuous run), running uniq yields this result 但是,如果首先对MarxBrothers的初始列表进行排序(在连续运行中对多次出现的名称进行重排),运行uniq会生成以下结果
He traveled across the country with other well-known performers, including the Marx Brothers. 他和其他知名艺人如马克斯兄弟在全国巡回演出。
She next won a small part in a movie called "Love Happy." It was a comedy starring the famous Marx Brothers. 后来,她在《娱乐至上》中扮演一个小角色,这是一部由著名马克斯兄弟主演的喜剧。
The Marx brothers were famous for their comedy routine. 马克斯兄弟因表演一套喜剧剧目而出名。